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J.K. Rowling Surprisingly Pushes Back Against Sex And Gender


In 2020, a famous author, J.K. Rowling bravely risked her career and the number of her supporters by stepping out of the shadows and sharing an opinion seen as offensive and hateful in today’s society.  She voices the worry she has about trans activism.  Rowling talks about how much research she’s done, how she’s been oppressed on the internet, and how she has seen others be oppressed.  Her words highlight the absurdity of exclusion and how people are shut out because their opinions don’t match those of the “oppressed” LGBTQ+ community.  She is courageous and has a voice that deserves to be heard.


One afternoon, I opened an article that my mentor had sent me.  The article’s link is, and as I read the words of the renowned author, I smiled faintly.  For someone as popular as J.K. Rowling, it was encouraging to read that she had stood up and highlighted why she was speaking up about trans activism.


In her article, J.K. Rowling explains why she’s voicing her concerns.  She explains that she was once a teacher and has concern for children and their education.  Because she’s an author, she’s interested in freedom of speech.  She is open about her feminism and the fact that women are trying to transition or detransition is concerning.  In other words, she has reasons to be concerned and to speak out.  Very few people are willing to speak out, and in a perfect world, people would stand up for what’s right instead of submitting to fear of exclusion or cancellation.  And when I say “for what’s right,” I mean following the Bible because despite what a person might believe, the Bible is truth.

That’s why humanity is failing because it has strayed from God.  God is and should be the ultimate ruler, the head of government.  But because America relies on men to govern their country and influence their society, America has fallen and is spiraling.  Men are corrupt.  They should be living and instructing as Jesus would.


I’m not going to go in-depth with this article, but I wanted to point out J.K. Rowling’s fearlessness because I know she received a lot of backlash and lost followers.  One of the lessons that can be learned from this article is that our society truly is falling apart and that freedom of speech is no longer prevalent.  Freedom of speech may be a written law, but people are not abiding by it.  It’s interesting how the LGBTQ+ community speaks about their inclusivity and hospitality.  However, they are only inclusive to those who agree with their agendas.  They are not inclusive to people who are a part from their community.  I, as a straight female, am excluded because I do not abide by the LGBTQ+ community’s agendas nor am I a part of their community.  I’ve only been a part of the online experience (discord, Roblox, etc.) for seven years and I can tell you that I have exchanged arguments with those in the LGBTQ+ community.  I have not seen inclusiveness or hospitality.  I have seen eagerness to slam down opinions and shoot down the opinions that oppose.  However, I am not saying that every individual in the LGBTQ+ community is toxic or lethal with their words.  But I am saying that, in general, the community is not welcoming to those of opposite opinions.  Every human, no matter the sex, age, or color, should be allowed to have an opinion and be allowed to voice it.  Thank you for taking a glimpse into this madness with me and I hope to chat with you in the comments.


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