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Women's Sports Should Be Kept For Biological Women



Riley Gaines has made it on the news once again.  She, along with dozens of other college athletes, have decided to file a lawsuit against the NCAA.  Gaines and these athletes believe that Lia Thomas, a transgender woman, should not have been allowed to compete at the national championships in 2022 because Lia Thomas is a biological male.  In these championships, Riley Gaines and Lia Thomas ended up tying for fifth place.  However, Thomas was given the trophy, not Gaines.  In what way is this fair to Riley Gaines, a biological woman competing in sports designed for biological women?  The sad part is, this hasn’t just been happening in swimming, but volleyball, track, karate, and all of women’s sports, and yet, very few people have the courage to stand up for what’s right.


For today’s post, I read from an article by ESPN: Live Sports & Scores.  The title of the article is, “Swimmers, other athletes sue NCAA over transgender policies,” and was shared by my mentor.  After sitting down and reading the article over, I was left with a few thoughts.  Here they are.


Men, transgender women or not, should not be allowed to compete in womans' sports. I know what you're thinking. "Wow, TruthSeeker, that's a bold statement." It very much is a bold statement, but it is also a true statement. Going back to our good old and very dusty friend, science, men are biologically stronger than women. Yes, there are some women that are stronger than some men, but the majority of men are superior to women when it comes to strength. There is a reason why women's sports were invented in the first place. Women's sports was supposed to give women an equal opportunity to compete and win, and now with transgender women—biological men—rising up and joining women’s sports, women have lost a chance at victory. Fairness is no longer an option.

In What is a Woman?, a film generated by the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh interviews Selina Soule, a track and field woman athlete. She tells Matt that she had to compete against two transgender women in all four years of her high school. Out of the dozens of times she raced them over the years, she lost. They beat her by twenty meters out of medals. She missed qualifying spots because of them, and between the two of them, they won every single event they competed in.  Matt Walsh ends up asking Selina how it felt, and she answers,

“It is so frustrating and heartbreaking because we elite female athletes train so hard to shave just fractions of a second off of our time and going into races knowing that we will never be able to win.”

At the end, she goes, “After so many losses, it just gets to the point of… why am I even doing this?”

I couldn’t agree more with Selina, and I can’t imagine what it must be like spending so much time training and preparing while knowing first place was never an option.

Aside from fairness, another thought that came to mind, and seemed to be the concern of Riley Gaines and so many others, is these biological men being allowed in locker rooms.  This kind of thing used to be frowned upon in our society, and still is, but if a man identifies as a woman, it’s suddenly okay to allow him into a locker room or a bathroom with women.  I don’t care how many hormones doctors pump into a man, it will not guarantee that he won’t assault these women either sexually or physically.  For the safety of women, men, no matter how dressed up they are, should not be allowed into women's locker rooms or women's bathrooms.

A third thought that dawned on me is feminism.  Don’t get me wrong, just because I believe in fairness in women’s sports does not mean I’m a feminist, but I do find it interesting that feminism used to be the rave on social media.  Now, with transgenders mixing with society, it’s practically the opposite of feminism.  A feminist can’t be a feminist if they support the beliefs of the LGBTQ+ community because men?  Thinking they can be women?  Well, that’s highly offensive to a feminist, isn’t it?  I’m just surprised that the feminists and the LGBTQ+ community haven’t had a western shootout yet.

However, all joking aside, I can agree with the feminists in one way.  Women are unique, and the fact that men think they can ever be a woman is, in a way, insulting.

One last thought you can munch on is… if genitals don’t define gender, then why do transgender people change their genitals for affirmation..?


I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. In the end, my personal belief is that transgender women and men in general should not compete in women's sports. When women have to compete against men, it’s not only not fair, but it’s degrading and takes the purpose out of women’s sports. Maybe all of the transgender women should have their own designated sports instead of infiltrating women’s sports. Please feel free to skim the article I used in this post and let me know your thoughts, or if you agree or disagree with any of mine. Thank you for taking a glimpse into this madness with me and I hope to chat with you in the comments.


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